Lawson Services
Lawson Business Services LLC offers tax preparation, QuickBooks® set up and training, and bookkeeping for businesses, as well as assistance with individual tax returns and financial needs.
We also offer fully secured and encrypted electronic uploads of tax files and other documentation through Citrix®, a well known share file system. This allows our clients better time management as they don’t have to bring this paperwork to our office. Ask us how today!
As an Enrolled Agent with the Internal Revenue Service, we can walk you through any letter you may recieve from the IRS, offer guidance on how to proceed, and represent you in further communication and resolution.
We are happy to offer our expertise and prosperity to our clients, friends and family.
Call today to schedule your free consultation on your road to success and prosperity!

- Individual & Family Taxes
- Business Taxes
- Full Service Bookkeeping
- Consulting Services
- Tax Management Services
- Bookkeeping
- Quickbooks
- IRS Representation
- Entity Selection
- Payroll Services
- Estate Tax Preparation

Tax Services
Personal & Corporate Tax Preparation
- Tax returns for individuals, families and businesses – Federal & State – Includes: 1040s, 941, 940, various schedules & more
- Tax preparation – Review quarterly estimated taxes & business tax forms – how to express ‘wisely’ the figures related to your business. All new clients will have a complete review of the past 3 years of tax returns as well as tax planning for the current tax return. Current tax year planning is also for current clients as we do every year.
- Tax planning – What can you do far in advance of tax time for your deductions and write offs. Business and personal tax advising and planning services for optimal use of deductions

Full Charge Bookkeeping
Quality Bookkeeping for Better Tax Prep
- QuickBooks® – Software set up & training
- Bookkeeping services – Financial statements, entries, updates for all business records. Customized to meet your business needs, I do not believe that one size fits all, meeting once a quarter or as needed to go over financials and accomplish any streamlining or to halt any unnecessary expenses for optimal profits and tax benefits are the goals.
- Payroll Services

We Keep Everything Organized For You In One Place
- Secured & encrypted file sharing
- Upload and download your tax records & files
- Store tax documents
- Citrix®

Consulting Services
Need Guidance & Direction? We Can Help
- Consulting services – Business consulting for start ups & existing businesses
- Cash flow management – Assistance with banks, banking, and credit cards
- Payroll Processing – Payroll processing services for businesses
- Entity selection /formation – Set up of LLC or S-Corp based on consultation with owner/principals
- Estate tax consulting & preparation

In a Sticky Situation? We Can Help
- Tax Representation
We walk you through any letter you may receive from the IRS & and represent you in further communication and resolution.

Jackie Lawson is responsible and responsive to my specific needs. She did extensive research to support and clarify my bookkeeping/tax requirements. ~Kyra B
At less somebody it taking care of people that don’t know how do it good job guys. ~Jesus M